Monday, January 4, 2016

Motivational Speakers and Keynote Speakers are helping motivate the human company beehive.

Motivational Speakers and Keynote Speakers are keeping the human beehive motivated during difficult times. 

Happy New Year. It's 2016 and I've been offline a while. Life and business has kept me away from my motivational speaker blog for a while. I'm sorry about that, but the changes I've made are all good. I've done my best to stay away from the news lately. All the negative news with murders, rapes, robberies, etc. can sure get you down. I was thinking about people and how we sometimes stop being motivated. When we are little we dream of becoming doctors, superheros, pilots, etc. Some do achieve those goals while so many others don't end up becoming what they dreamed to be. They end up working for someone else and dread going to work. On my little break from this blog I watched a couple of documentaries on bees and their life. It got me thinking that a lot of people working for companies and owning them are a lot like bees. The bosses are the ones in charge in most situations and the little worker bees, for lack of a better word, sometimes feel like just that, worker bees. They work for a paycheck and can't wait until quitting time. The bosses are the queen bees they love having their workers look after them as they bring them more and more food / money. They don't want any problems from the worker bees and keep things in control. When the queen bee is getting old the workers make another larva the new queen. None of the worker bees can become queen after they are a worker bee no matter how hard they try. It's like a company bringing in a new CEO from some other company rather than promoting within. They want someone in charge that has been in charge someplace else before. It's usually easier than training a leader that has always been the one getting directions rather than giving them. I'm not saying it's like that in all businesses, but a lot.

When the hive gets too full the queen often orders another queen raised and that new queen takes some of the hive's population away to make a new hive someplace else. This all keeps the workers happily working and working and working for the queens. Luckily most humans are smart enough not to just hollow the queen and can make some of their own decisions in life. Sadly there are a lot that can't. A company runs best when their employees are motivated and happy to come to work. If not happy, they at least know that going above and beyond to put out a quality product is a good end result. One negative person in the group can bring others down.

Companies often focus a lot of their success on the people at the top. The top leaders, the queen bees are an important part, but the staff members / the worker bees often are the ones that really keep a company moving forward. The rest is from one of my last blog posts, but worth repeating. It's the best way to continue this story. Motivational speakers and keynote speakers are often used by quality  companies that understand that motivated employees helps their business move forward. People love to feel appreciated and want or need to be motivated to keep moving the company forward. As the stress from life and the workplace take over, people need an added dose of motivation. Speakers can inspire and motivate your workers to do better in their life and job. Happy, motivated employees will do wonders for your company. We all know people that aren't motivated. They always are complaining and doing their best to bring people down with them. It’s like a stack of dominoes falling over. Once one falls all the others go with it.

Top motivational speakers in the USA work with corporations large and small to get their employee morale up. It doesn’t matter if your company is large or small the morale of your employees is the key to success. A keynote speaker opening up a meeting or speaking after dinner can inspire your employees. The speaker’s stories can be woven together with your important message to get your very important points across. Motivating and inspiring your audience is what motivational speakers and keynote speakers do best. That’s their job. Now what type of price can you put on making your company a success. You don’t want to drain your business bank account, but you also don’t want to hire a motivational speaker or keynote speaker that isn’t good. Think of it like a meal at a restaurant. You wouldn’t take an important client out for a cheap crappy meal to impress them. You want something high quality to impress them. You don’t need to spend $200,000 or more to have President Clinton speak to your group, if you don’t have that kind of money. Many top motivational speakers and keynote speakers like John Pullum ( click here ) and others have fees that range from $10,000 - $20,000 for one presentation. Speakers at the $1,500 - $7,000 range might not be the quality you are looking for and anything less than that are usually newer / part-time speakers that make their living at other things. You don’t want to have a bad motivational speaker that will depress your guests or a keynote speaker that won’t inspire your guests.

Motivational Speakers aren't all the same.

To find that perfect speaker is the challenge. When it’s your name behind booking them, you have to hire a speaker that is going to do the job and do it right. Watch the motivational speakers videos and the testimonials from their past clients. With the keynote speakers I suggest the same thing as to watching videos and seeing testimonials, but in the case of the keynote speaker you need to make sure their inspirational message is the right fit for that event. If their story about climbing Mt. Everest doesn’t fit your theme, they aren’t a good fit. It they are an expert in customer service, but you want to get the point of change in the workplace the speaker on customer service probably wouldn’t be the best fit.

You need a speaker that can think outside the box, is easy to work with and will inspire your employees. Have a conference call with your committee and the motivational speaker and keynote speaker to make sure they are the right fit. It doesn’t have to be a high priced speaker like Les Brown, Tony Robbins, etc. You can find a motivational speaker that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg that will get the job done for you. As mentioned, anything above $10,000 is high quality in most cases. You can get a good speaker for less, but make sure you see plenty of great video testimonials and other references. Many keynote speakers and motivational speaker book up months or even a year or more in advance. Make sure you book early to ensure you we the speaker that you want.
Employees need someone who can bring back the drive and motivation that were lost in the stress of work or life. Therefore it is essential for companies to invite speakers who can offer a positive attitude and inspiration to their audience. By improving your employees' morale and giving them a meaningful break from their daily routines, they can overcome negative attitudes and remain focused on their job. By keeping your staff engaged and eager to work, business processes become more efficient and productivity increases. Your success depends on it. Motivational speaker along with motivating and inspiring keynote speakers just might do the trick for you.

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